University of Southern California
2021-25 Trustee Scholar
Full Merit Scholarship
2020 Congressional Art Competition for California's 33rd Congressional District
1st Place (Grand Prize)
$2,000 Scholarship
2020-21 Scholastic Arts and Writing Award
1 Gold Medal (Mixed Media), 2 Silver Medals (Film&Animation, Expanded Projects), 9 Gold Keys (art portfolio, film&animation, mixed media, sculpture, expanded projects), 3 Silver Keys (art portfolio, drawing&illustration, expanded projects)
2019-20 Scholastic Arts and Writing Award
3 Gold Keys (photography, digital art), 2 Silver Keys (painting, photography), 2 Honorable Mentions (photography)
2019 Korean American Day Art Contest
Grand Prize
$500 Scholarship
2018-19 Scholastic Arts and Writing Award
1 Silver Key (painting). 2 Honorable Mentions (painting, drawing & illustration)
2018 Federal Junior Duck Stamp Design Contest
1st Place in California
$2,500 Full Scholarship